TTE 134: Peeling Back the Curtain of Starting a Private Practice with Cori White
Never miss another jam-packed episode of The Therapist Experience!
Cori White and her business partner took the big leap and branched out from the same private practice to start their own business – only 2 months ago! Tune in to this week’s podcast to get an update on how they’re tackling each new challenge.
Best Quote from the Interview
“[We realized] we can really actually come together and create something new that reflects and represents what we want to be doing.”
Best Marketing Tip
• Creating your own marketing content can be a huge boost to your SEO and general visibility online. Try your hand at a podcast or another alternative medium!
Links & Resources Mentioned in This Episode
• The Therapist Experience Episode 100
• Psychology Today
• Our Whole Living Project
• Profit First by Mike Michalowicz
• Group Practice Owners Summit
• Facebook: OWL Project Podcast: Journey to Private Practice
Thanks to Cori for joining us this week.
Until next time!
Hi Lynn, Just wanted to know how to find the recent interview with a therapist , who is in Salt Lake City, Utah , She has her doctorate and does a full fee cash private practice. I want to listen to the podcast again and I don’t know her name. Could you please help me in getting it? Thank you, Mary Beth
Hi Mary,
That would be with Dr. Julie Hanks.
We’ve had Julie on twice before. Here are the episodes:
Thanks for being a Therapist Experience listener!